Setting Up an Advocate Reward

William Harper Updated by William Harper

An enticing Advocate Reward is one of the best ways to get your current customers to start becoming your faithful brand advocates. Get started with growing your business through referrals by learning how to set up an Advocate Reward in this help article!

Step 1

Navigate to Referral and then select Edit for an existing Campaign or create a new Campaign.

Step 2

Select the Advocate Reward tab from the top menu bar in the Campaign.

Step 3

Within the Reward Settings section, you will determine how the Advocate will be rewarded and when to trigger the Reward distribution.

Within the How will you reward your Advocates? dropdown menu, select one of the following options to distribute a Reward when all the conditions are met:

Coupon Code

If you're using an eCommerce platform outside of Shopify and would like to distribute Advocate Rewards as coupon codes, you would select this option. The coupon codes will be distributed from a code bank of your choice within Friendbuy. Read our help article about how to create a code bank.

Account Credit

When on Shopify Plus and utilizing our integration with Shopify, you would be able to issue Account Credit to your Advocates with additional implementation steps required. Please contact Support or your Customer Success Manager for assistance.

Gift Card

Gift cards can be distributed to an Advocate from a code bank of your choice within Friendbuy.

Tremendous Gift Cards

Automatically distribute gift cards, prepaid cards, or cash through our seamless integration with Tremendous (This option is only available for merchants that have a Tremendous account and have set up the integration within Friendbuy).

Shopify Coupons

The coupon code will automatically be generated via our Shopify integration and distributed to the customer when the referral conversion event is completed. Optionally, you can add a minimum purchase amount and new customer eligibility restrictions for redeeming the coupon at your Shopify store. Each coupon will be unique, one time use, good for all products, and does not expire.

(This option is only available for merchants that have a Shopify account and have set up the integration within Friendbuy).


If you are setting up a custom flow where the Advocate Reward distribution is handled by your team, select this option. For example, if you would like to provide a promotional swag item or manage account credit independently in your own system.

Note: If selecting the Shopify Coupons option or the Account Credit option, you will need to specify if the discount will either be a percentage off or a fixed amount, as well as the currency type (if applicable).
Note: If selecting either the regular Coupon Code option or the Gift Card option, you will need to specify which Code Bank you would like the codes/gift cards to be distributed from. If no Code Bank is available in the dropdown list, you will need to create a Code Bank.

Step 4

Then select the event you would like to trigger the Advocate Reward for distribution.

Friend Makes a Purchase

Select this trigger to reward an Advocate when a referred Friend goes on to make a purchase. Note: Friendbuy automatically tracks purchase events by default

Friend Signs Up

Select this trigger to reward an Advocate when a referred Friend signs up for your service. Note: You must send the event type sign_up in a track call (either through JavaScript or API) to Friendbuy.

Friend Enters Their Email Address

Select this trigger to reward an Advocate when a referred Friend enters their email within a Friendbuy powered widget. Note: Friendbuy automatically tracks email_capture events by default.

Custom Event

Select this trigger if you would like to track a custom event and send it to Friendbuy. You must specify the Custom Event Name. Please read the important note below.

Note: Custom event name must match the track call sent to Friendbuy (either through JavaScript or API). Names must be alphanumeric, lowercase, and without spaces. Click here to learn more.

Step 5

The next part of the setup will be for Reward Rules, which determine the requirements that are needed to be met in order for the Advocate Reward to be distributed. The one item to set up is the following question:

Note: If you would like to only Reward the Advocate when the Referred Friend is a new customer, you would select 'Yes' on this option. If you are not needing this new customer requirement, you can select 'No'.

Step 6 (Optional)

Within the Reward Validation section, you can set up an additional check to validate conversion event details are accurate before a Reward is distributed. Friendbuy can automate this process by making a call to your system using our Validation Callback which allows you to run custom checks in your own system before a Reward is distributed. Enable this using the Custom Reward Validation toggle and enter a URL endpoint. This feature can be especially useful when you may want to reject an Advocate's Reward based on custom critiera, such as checking for a Referred Friend returning or canceling an order.

Note: If you have installed our Shopify integration, Friendbuy will by default, automatically validate with Shopify that Referred Friend Purchase details are accurate before distributing an Advocate Reward.
This validation check can be turned off for Shopify merchants that are using an alternate checkout method, like CartHook, by selecting No within the setting: Would you like Friendbuy to validate referred Friend Purchases with Shopify?*

Step 7 (Optional)

Within the Reward Validation section, you can set up a Reward Delay which adds a time delay between when the conversion event occurs and the Advocate Reward is distributed. Enable this using the toggle and enter a period of time in minutes, hours, or days. This feature can be especially useful when you want to have time to manually review Advocate Rewards details before they are distributed or if you have set up Custom Reward Validation in Step 6, waiting until after a product return or cancellation period ends.

Step 8 (Optional)

The final section of the Advocate Reward setup is the 'Reward Allowance'! This will control the maximum amount of Rewards an Advocate can receive and will allow you to set up different tiers of Rewards as well.

If you'd like to set up a Standard Reward Structure:

If you'd like to set up a standard Reward structure where there is no limit to the number of Rewards the Advocate can receive, you can leave the settings as shown in the screenshot above.

Note: In order to implement a maximum amount of Rewards, you would enter in the maximum amount of Rewards you'd like the Advocate to receive under the 'To Event'. Each 'Event' is a qualifying conversion.
If you'd like to set up Tiered Rewards:

Tiered Rewards allow the Advocate to receive a different reward based on how many Referred Conversions they've generated. For each additional Tier, enter the starting number of conversions in the From field and an ending number in the To field (optional). Then, select the reward type you would like your Advocates to earn and the email used to distribute the reward.

Click Add a New Tier when you're ready to add an additional Tier.

Tip: If you want your customers to start receiving a new Reward once they've generated 5 referral conversions, with no limit on the upper bound, you can follow the setup of the screenshot above.

Step 9

After you have completed all necessary steps, be sure to double-check each input is correct. Then, click to Save (if your campaign is not yet running) or Publish Changes (if your campaign is running) in the top right corner of your screen.

Important: If you are making updates to an existing Advocate Reward, be sure to also update the offer details contained within your customer facing Referral Emails and Widgets to match the new program strategy.

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