How to set up Code Based Sharing

Code based sharing allows you to provide a unique referral code to each Advocate, enabling accurate attribution of referrals and simplifying the referral process. Friends can conveniently apply these codes on your site or app, without the need to navigate through additional links or pages.

  • The referral code will be an alphanumeric string based on advocate name, or advocate email (For example: “sarah123”)
  • Referral codes are case insensitive

Set Up

  1. Referral Code Generation:
    Create and retrieve the referral code using the 'postPersonalReferralLink' endpoint.
    • Here is the information you need to send Friendbuy:
      • Email
      • Campaign ID
      • Widget ID
      • Customer ID
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Destination URL parameters
      • Seed
      • Channel
      • IP Address
      • User Agent
    • This information will be returned:
      • Personnel Link
      • Referral Code
      • Created On
    • Decide where you would like to display the referral code to be easily accessible for Advocates to share.
  2. Referral Code Status:

Through the 'getReferralStatus' API call, Friendbuy will check the code status (blocked or unblocked). If the Referral code is unblocked, Friendbuy will return the following.

  • CampaignID
  • Referral Code
  • Status: Active or Blocked
  • Advocate Information:
    • Email
    • customer ID
    • Name
    • Advocate Reward Details
      • Amount
      • Value
      • Description
  • Friend Incentive Information:
    • Amount
    • Value
    • Description
  • Include the referral code as part of the conversion event, like purchase tracking, signup tracking, or custom events.
  1. Fraud check:

When the referral code is used, a corresponding track call is sent. Through this track call, we will be able to perform a fraud check through the Customer ID, and or, the Customer Email. If the Friend has already used the Referral Code, the Advocate will not receive another reward.

  • Here is the information you need to send Friendbuy through the Track Call:
    • Referral code
    • Customer ID
    • Customer Email

Important to note that a Friend can use a referral code more than once. If you would like to limit the usage, additional checks will be necessary.

  1. Setting Up Friend Incentives:
    • Select ‘Other’ for ‘How will you incentivize referred friends?’ to add custom incentive details.
    • Fill in the ‘Value’, ‘Amount’, and ‘Description’ fields as per your incentive structure.
    • 'Other' must be selected here for to move forward.
  2. API Trigger for Friend Incentive:
    • Select ‘API Triggered’ under ‘How should the incentive be triggered?’ when ‘Other’ is chosen for friend incentive.
  3. Tracking Referral Codes:
    • Navigate to AnalyticsDashboardsChannels page.
    • Find the new Share channel named “Referral Code” to track signups, purchases, and revenue.
Feel free to contact your Customer Success Manager or if you have any questions about setting up Code Based Sharing.

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