How to Distribute a Reward To Your Loyalty Members on Their Birthday (Through Klaviyo)

Samantha Brown Updated by Samantha Brown

Your loyalty members are your best customers. So, why not treat them on their birthday with a little "surprise and delight"?

  1. Login to your Klaviyo account and select Flows on the left-hand side and then click Create flow
  1. Click the Build your own button
  1. Name your flow. Example below: Loyalty Birthday Reward. Then click Create flow
  1. Select the flow trigger Date property
  2. Under Recommended select Friendbuy Customer Birthday from the Date property dropdown

  1. Select when you want the flow start. You can either choose Before the date property value OR On the date property value. For this example, let's choose On the date property value.
    1. Next, choose how often the flow repeats. The example below is Yearly.

  1. This is what the flow trigger will look like. Next, click Save.
  2. Under Actions, drag the Email action under the Trigger.
  3. Configure the Subject line and then click Select template
  1. Select a template from the Template Library. In this example, we chose the Birthday template.
  1. Design your template and include the discount code (or other reward mechanism) in the email. In this example, the coupon code is hard coded into the email.

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