How to Set Up a Customer Dashboard

The Customer Dashboard is a dynamic tool designed for enhancing referral programs. It focuses on streamlining user experiences by providing a detailed view of earned rewards and a list of Friends who have converted. This dashboard aims to increase clarity and encourage user engagement in referral programs.

Only rewards from a Referral Program will show on the Customer Dashboard.

The Customer Dashboard is only available for Merchants who are on Widget Builder 2.0

Setting up a Customer Dashboard

  1. Access the Customer Dashboard through the Retailer App
  2. On the left tool bar, in the widgets drop down, select Dashboard Widgets

  1. On this page, you can view, edit, and create new Customer Dashboards
  2. Select Create a Customer Dashboard Widget
  3. You can use the default template, or you can create a new template by going to the templates tab, and clicking create template at the top right of the screen.

  1. Select the preferred template, and you will now see your customer dashboard under the widgets section.

  1. Select the Customer Dashboard, and underneath the widget preview, click View/Edit Template

  1. At the top of the page, you will see the different states the Customer Dashboard can be in.
    1. Logged in
    2. Logged Out
    3. No Activity
    4. Loading

States Explained:

  • Logged in: When a user is logged in, and has activity referral activity
  • Logged Out: When a user is logged out
  • No Activity: When a user has no referral activity
  • Loading: Customer Dashboard is loading all referral activity

My Rewards section explained:

  • This card displays all Rewards the User has earned
    • Includes rewards Advocates have earned through referring others
    • Includes incentives Friends have received
    • Redeemed rewards will stay on the list for 30 days
  • The Value of the reward is displayed, next to the redemption type
    • If the reward comes in the form of a code, the code will be displayed, and can be copied using the copy button
    • If the reward comes in as a link, a customizable text link will show.
  • Once a reward code is redeemed, a green check will be shown

Reward Type


Rewards that are distributed in the form of a code

Coupon Code

Coupon Code will display as a code that can be copied

Account Credit

'Deposited to Account' will be displayed

Reward Links

Rewards that are distributed in the form of a link

Ordergroove Subscriptions

Shown as an individual row in the dashboard with a live balance

Referred Friends section explained:

  • This is a list of all friends who have successfully converted. If a reward delay is being used, the Friend will not appear until after the reward delay has passed
  • If for any reason the Advocate does not receive a reward due to eligibility checks, the Friend will not be shown
    • if an advocate is not eligible due to fraud integrity checks, the friend will not show in the list
    • If a referred friend does not provide a first name, they will not be displayed in the referred friends list
  1. All text fields can be edited. When you click on a text field, you will see all the controls that are available for the corresponding text on the right tool bar.

  1. Click on areas of the Dashboard you would like to Customize

Template Customization

  • Customize elements like text, cards, tables, buttons, images, and backgrounds.
  • Tailor the dashboard's appearance and functionality for various user states. 'Logged In', 'Logged Out', 'No Activity', and 'Loading'.
  • Customize Tooltip messages to better assist your customer
  • Changes in one state, will be reflected in another state. Outside of copy changes
  1. At the top right of the screen, you can adjust and preview the dashboard for both desktop and mobile view.

Mobile View explained:

  • Only the most recent five referral events will show on mobile view
  • All changes made to either mobile or desktop view, will take affect in the other view
  1. On the Logged Out state, you must provide a URL to which a user will be directed if they are logged out, and click Log In. A URL must be provided or else you will be unable to save.
    1. Does client need to add redirect URL, or do we provide/attach?
      1. if not, get full run down of how a merchant can accomplish redirecting back to their dashboard
    2. If you would like to redirect the user back to the dashboard after logging in, ensure there is a redirect in the provided URL (e.g.

  1. On the Logged Out state, under the Buttons tab on the right tool bar, you can select whether or not to match the style of the Logged In state buttons. This is on by default. If you deselect this checkbox, additional customization of the Logged Out state buttons will be displayed.
  2. Click Publish Changes at the top right corner, and return to the Customer Dashboard Widget page.
    1. If any widgets are live and attached to the template being edited, those widgets will be updated by published changes.
  3. Your template has not been applied to a widget. Select the widget you would like to edit.

  1. In order for the widget to display correctly on a page, Friendbuy needs the following to be added:
    1. HTML Elements to insert widget into
    2. URLs to include widget on
    3. Page Names to include widget on (Optional)
  • Either the URLs to include widget on or page names to include widget on is required
  • If entering multiple URLs, enter each separately, and hit enter
  1. If you would like to exclude the widget on any specific pages, select the Exclude Widget on drop down. This is optional
    1. Enter the URLs to exclude widget on
    2. Enter the Page Names to exclude widget on
  2. Save Changes will save the changes you have applied, but will not Publish
  3. Save & Publish will save the changes you have applied, and will Publish

  • If you would like to delete a Customer Dashboard, you will need to unpublish it first, then delete. Deletion can be done by clicking the trash icon at the bottom right of the Widget Details page.
  • Templates can be edited, archived, renamed, and duplicated. If a template is assigned to a widget, it can not be archived.

How did we do?

How to Set up a Self-Referral Overlay

How to Personalize Your Widgets with the Advocate name
