Understanding the Performance Overview

The performance overview is a great way to get a grasp on how your referral program is performing--and to help find areas of improvement to increase the success of your program. We'll be covering the three different reports under the Performance Overview :

Program Summary

Funnel Metrics

Email Metrics

In all reports by default, the date interval is By Month, and the date range is set to the Last 12 Months. You can use the dropdown menus to select a different date range as needed.

You can also filter the data by including or excluding different Campaigns or Widget Placements by using CMD if on Mac, or Alt if on PC.

Program Summary screenshot

Program Summary

Referral Revenue

The total referral revenue generated by referred friends via a Referral Link (PURL)

Total Revenue

The total revenue generated by your company

% of Total Revenue

The percentage of total revenue generated through the referral program

Referred Purchases

The number of purchases generated through the referral program

Total Purchases

The total number of purchases generated by your site

% of Total Purchases

The percentage of total purchases that are coming through the referral program

Referral AOV

The Average Order Value of purchases coming through the referral program


The Average Order Value for all purchases

Funnel Metrics screenshot

Funnel Metrics

Widget Views

The number of total impressions of Advocate share widgets


The number of times an Advocate shares through the referral widget

Share Rate

Shares divided by Widget Views

The percentage of Advocates who share after viewing the widget


The total number of clicks on referral links (includes clicks from email, social, and referral link shares)

Sign Ups

The number of sign ups/account creations coming from a referral

Note: only applicable if you are tracking sign_up as a conversion event

Sign Up Rate

Sign Ups divided by Clicks

The percentage of Referred Friends who click on a referral link and sign up / create an account on your site

Note: only applicable if you are tracking sign_up as a conversion event


The number of purchases generated by Referred Friends

Conversion Rate

Purchases divided by Clicks

The percentage of Referred Friends who convert after clicking on a referral link


The total referral revenue generated by Referred Friends, including the discounts that are applied by the referral offer


The Average Order Value for referred purchases

Email Metrics screenshot

Email Metrics

Email Shares

Applicable to the Share Email only

The number of times a Referral Offer is shared by an Advocate via email.

Counted when the advocate clicks the 'Share Email' CTA on a referral widget

Reminder Emails Sent

Applicable to the Reminder Email only

The number of Shared Emails that got resent to the Referred Friend as a reminder

Note: A reminder Email gets sent to the Referred Friend only if the Advocate has checked the box to resend their friends a reminder email in 3 days. If the original email results in a rewardable conversion for the friend within 3 days then the reminder email is not sent.


The number of recipients that are added to the ‘To’ field of the referral widget per share, counted when the email is sent

For example: if the Advocate shared via email with 3 friends, it will be considered as 1 share and 3 recipients


The number of emails reported successfully delivered by the email provider

Delivery Rate

Emails Delivered divided by Recipients

The percentage of emails delivered successfully out of all emails that attempted to be sent

Unique Opens

The number of referred friends who opened the Share (or Reminder) email

For example: If the same email is opened 5 times by the same Referred Friend, it will be counted as 1 Unique Open

Open Rate

Unique Opens divided by Emails Delivered

The percentage of unique emails that were opened out of all emails that were successfully delivered

Total Clicks

The total number of times Referred Friends click through a Friendbuy referral link in a Share (or Reminder) email

Note: clicks on non-Friendbuy links are not counted. (Example: merchant homepage, terms of service, etc)

Click Rate

Total Clicks divided by Emails Delivered

The percentage of total clicks made by Referred Friends, out of all emails that were successfully delivered

Unique Clicks

The unique number of Referred Friends who clicked on a Friendbuy referral link in a Share (or Reminder) email

For example: if a referred friend clicked on the same referral link 4 times, it will be counted as 1 Unique Click

Note: clicks on non-Friendbuy links are not counted. (Example: merchant homepage, terms of service, etc)

Sign Ups

The number of sign ups made by Referred Friends who clicked on a Share (or Reminder) Email

Note: only applicable if you are tracking sign_up as an event

Sign Up Rate

Sign Ups divided by Total Clicks

The percentage of sign ups out of total clicks


The number of purchases made by Referred Friends who clicked on a Share (or Reminder) Email

Conversion Rate

Purchases divided by Total Clicks

The percentage of Referred Friends who convert after clicking on a Share (or Reminder) Email


Total revenue generated by Referred Friends who have clicked and purchased because of a Share (or Reminder) Email

Note: Historical Email Metrics data for the following items are available starting from:

Unique Clicks: March 29th, 2021 around 9:15am PT
Unique Opens: October 23rd, 2020
Filter by Campaigns and Placements: November 13th, 2020.

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