How to Send Coupon Codes through Klaviyo SMS to Advocates and Friends After They are Distributed by Friendbuy

Samantha Brown Updated by Samantha Brown

How to Send Coupon Codes through Klaviyo SMS to Advocates and Friends After They are Distributed by Friendbuy

This recipe outlines how to immediately send a text to Advocates to redeem their coupon codes through Klaviyo. Note that Friendbuy will also distribute coupon codes to Advocates via email and these coupon codes will get added as custom properties to Klaviyo subscriber profiles.

SMS Consent Laws vary by region. It is important to ensure you are in compliance with all applicable regulations before sending SMS messages.

Before You Start

Note that Klaviyo does not allow for flows with multiple triggers, so you will need to configure a flow for each coupon earning event that you want to send an SMS message for. These could be:

  • Advocate Reward Earned
  • Friend Incentive Reward Earned
  • Loyalty Reward Earned

The below workflow recipe will focus on the Advocate Reward Earned event but the steps to create a flow for any earning event is identical after selecting the appropriate flow trigger.

Set Up Your Flow

  1. In your Klaviyo account navigate to Flows on the left side menu
  1. Click Create Flow
  2. Click Create from Scratch or choose from an existing flow
  1. Name your flow - Example: Advocate Reward Coupon Code via SMS

  1. Select the Metric flow trigger on the left side menu

Configure Flow Logic and Flow Filter

  1. Select the trigger action Friendbuy - Referral Shared from the dropdown.
You must have your Friendbuy integration set up to see this menu selection.

Because we only want to send this message to referrers who have signed up for and consented to SMS messaging, you will need to set up a Flow Filter.

  1. Under Trigger Setup select Flow Filters.
  2. Create the flow filter in the dropdown menus by selecting Properties about someone, sms_consent, and is true.

Add an SMS messages to your Flow 

  1. Under Actions click SMS and drag it over to add it to your automated flow.

Configure your SMS message

  1. Click the three dots in the corner of the SMS action in the flow and then click Edit.
  2. When designing your text message in the editor, include the Friendbuy Coupon Code property so the code for each recipient will be dynamically pulled into the text message.
    1. Click Insert Property and type in Friendbuy Coupon Code, which will automatically populate. 

Push your Flow Messages Live 

Click to learn how to turn an individual flow message live 

Click to learn how to turn every flow message live 

How did we do?

How to Trigger a Text to Remind Referred Friends to Redeem their Incentives (Through Klaviyo)

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