Checkout Extensibility - Shopify Pixel Tracking

To facilitate accurate purchase tracking in Shopify Checkout Extensibility, Friendbuy utilizes Shopify Pixel tracking technology. Shopify Pixels are deployed to collect and transmit customer data effectively. These pixels are integrated into the 'Thank You and Order Status' pages of Shopify Extensibility. For more details information about pixel tracking and Shopify Extensibility.

Enabling Pixel Tracking:

To activate Pixel Tracking, it's essential to update your Shopify Integration with the latest updates. Please follow these steps to verify that your integration is fully up-to-date:

  1. Head over to the integrations page on your Friendbuy account.
  2. Click on the Shopify card to view your integration details.
  3. If you see an Update Permissions prompt, please click on it.
  1. If prompted, select the store where you want to update the permissions.
  2. Click update on the bottom right.
  1. You have successfully enabled Pixel Tracking.

If you would like to learn more about using Shopify Checkout Extensions, click here.

Other Resources:

How to enable Shopify Integration

Shopify Checkout Extension

How to redeem Points

Shopify Theme App Embed

How did we do?

Shopify Checkout Extensibility

Shopify Theme App Embed
