How to Trigger a Text to Remind Referred Friends to Redeem their Incentives (Through Klaviyo)

Samantha Brown Updated by Samantha Brown

When a a referred friend receive an incentive through the referral program, Friendbuy will display a coupon code on the friend incentive widget and send that same coupon code via a Friend Incentive email, which will include the incentive amount and the coupon code that can be redeemed. All distributed coupon codes will also be sent to Klaviyo and added to a new subscriber's profile. If the coupon code has not been redeemed, you can use Klaviyo to send an automated reminder text message to the referred friend to redeem their incentive.

  1. In your Klaviyo account, navigate to Flows, click Create Flow
  1. Select the Build Your Own button
  1. Name your flow. Example below: Referred Friend Incentive Reminder
  1. Under Select a Trigger select All Triggers and then select the Metric Flow Trigger
  1. Select the trigger Friendbuy - Friend Incentive Earned and click Confirm and Save

  1. Under the Timing menu item, drag the Time Delay module under your flow trigger.

  1. Set the time delay on the right hand side. Example below: 3 days after the reward was distributed.
  1. Under Actions select the SMS module and drag it under the Time Delay module.
  1. Edit the content of your text message. On the right hand side click the Edit button next to where it says Content
  1. Compose your message and then select the Add personalization button to add the coupon value merge variable, which will dynamically insert the correct reward amount into the message. Start typing friendbuy coupon... in the search bar and select Friendbuy Coupon Value from the dropdown. You'll also want to hardcode whatever currency the reward is for before the merge variable. As an example, $ for USD. Then select Insert to include it in the message.

Below is what the output should look like

  1. Next, select the Add Personalization button and select the Friendbuy Coupon Code merge variable from the dropdown. This will dynamically insert the actual coupon code available on the subscriber's profile. Example: abc123. Then select Insert to include it in the message.

This is what the merge variables should look like in the message.

  1. Once the flow is setup, select Review and turn on
  1. Update the status to Live and you're ready to make some money!

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How to Trigger a Text to Remind Advocates to Redeem Referral Rewards (Through Klaviyo)

How to Send Coupon Codes through Klaviyo SMS to Advocates and Friends After They are Distributed by Friendbuy
