Plan Your Referral Program Implementation Team

William Harper Updated by William Harper


Planning a streamlined roll-out is critical. Once you have buy-in from your organization’s decision-makers, you will want to assemble your implementation team.

Having representatives from multiple teams within your organization ensures your new implementation is meeting the needs of every department and benefiting all parts of your organization. Friendbuy recommends developing a team that includes members of IT, Operations and Marketing, as well as a project manager to lead to the process. 

Chosen team members should be directly involved in getting your new referral program successfully rolled out in your organization. Here are high-level overviews of their potential involvement. 

Marketing and Operations

This team will be responsible for the following activities:

  • Provide design assets, and marketing copy, and collaborate with Graphic Designers on the design of the referral widgets and emails.
  • Set up third-party integrations with your other vendors, if applicable.
  • Generate and provide referral program discount codes, if applicable.
  • Create terms and conditions for the referral program.
  • Plan for marketing the referral program via email, social media, and on-site, both for the launch of the program and ongoing awareness. 
IT and Engineering

Members of this team will be responsible for the following activities:

  • Install Friendbuy’s integration code on the company website
  • Referral widget implementation
    • Create HTML pages for the Advocate Landing Page and Customer Account Page and paste the Friendbuy Container DIV in the body
    • Create a link to the Referral Widget(s) from your user accounts section and the navigation menu
    • Overlays are powered by URL targeting, managed via the Friendbuy account settings or it can be triggered by the element name instead (on CTA click)
  • Referral event tracking is commonly implemented via Javascript on the event success page, but can also be handled server-side, via API
  • DNS configuration for custom referral link 
  • DNS configuration for referral emails sent via Friendbuy 
  • Testing the integration to verify successful attribution

How did we do?

Getting Started with Referral

How to Join Your Team on Friendbuy
