Override a Rejected or Pending reward

Advocate Rewards and Friend Incentives may get rejected in cases where the customer failed the fraud check(s), or if they may not be eligible due to not passing the business rule(s). This tool is handy in cases where you'd like to override this rejection to manually approve the Reward.

If your Advocate Rewards configuration includes a Reward Delay, you may override it by manually approving or manually rejecting the Reward.

Manually Approve a Rejected/Not Eligible Reward


Step 1

Navigate to Customer Look Up

Step 2

Search for the email address of the Advocate or Friend that you would like to manually approve the Reward or Incentive for.

Step 3

Once you find the Reward or Incentive you would like to override, click on the action button placed on the left hand side of the table, and then click on Manually Approve

Step 4

Click on Approve Reward

Once completed, the Reward/Incentive will distributed to the user via email, and the details found in the customer search tool will update accordingly.

Manually Approve/Reject a Pending Reward


Step 1

Navigate to Customer Look Up

Step 2

Search for the email address of the Advocate would like to manually approve a Reward for.

Step 3

Once you find the pending Reward you would like to override, click on the action button placed on the left hand side of the table, and then click on either Manually Approve or Manually Reject.

Step 4

If you'd like to approve the Reward, click on Manually Approve

The Reward Email will be sent immediately and the Reward Delay will be overridden.

If you'd like to reject the Reward, click on Reject Reward.

Once done, the Reward status will change to Rejected.

How did we do?

Resend Reward Email

How to Search for a Customer Profile
